Local Solutions for Global Problems


At Photonix Energy we always strive to provide the best quality service and products . We want to provide all our customers with the best quality outcomes wherever possible.

However, sometimes things don’t always go to plan.  We are here to help and to listen to your concerns and help to reolve any issues promptly.

This Complaints Procedure is to help you better understand how to address your issue and achieve the best outcome as quickly as possible.

At Photonix Energy, we are dedicated to good communication with our customers and welcome feedback at all times in order to continuously improve our service to our customers.

Our complaints procedure is as follows:

  1. Contact us first, we are best placed to help you:
    Call: 0416 368 436
    Email: enquiries@solarconsultancy.com.au 
    Visit our website: https://solarconsultancy.com.au
  2. Once received, we will investigate your matter within 24hrs, provide a progress update and/or solution within seven days for a minor issue and within 21 days for any major issues.
  3. We keep all customer information securely and use BridgeSelect and Formbay as our preferred management system, together with Onedrive folders shared between administration and installation teams. All complaints are assigned to the Director of Operationsd to followup within 24hrs of receipt.

Following an appropriate investigation, Photonix Energy will inform you of the action or decision taken regarding the complaint. Photonix Energy will also take actions to prevent similar complaints occurring in the future.

Remedies to resolve the issue may include (but not limited to):

  • Refunds
  • Replacement
  • Repairs/Rework
  • Compensation

The remedies and solutions offered are subject to the Terms & Conditions and Warranties which apply to the products and services that you purchased from us. These include applicable consumer guarantees and our obligations under the Australian Consumer Law or consumer legislation in place at the time you purchased your products and services.

We take all complaints seriously and necessary steps will be learned to avoid any similar issues occurring in the future to provide the best customer experience possible.

If you are still not satisfied

  1. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can refer the complaint to with the relevant Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs office in your state or territory, as follows:

    NSW: Fair Trading
    Phone: 13 32 20

    Vic: Consumer Affairs
    Phone: 1300 558 181